2 research outputs found

    TrustE-VC: Trustworthy Evaluation Framework for Industrial Connected Vehicles in the Cloud

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    The integration between cloud computing and vehicular ad hoc networks, namely, vehicular clouds (VCs), has become a significant research area. This integration was proposed to accelerate the adoption of intelligent transportation systems. The trustworthiness in VCs is expected to carry more computing capabilities that manage large-scale collected data. This trend requires a security evaluation framework that ensures data privacy protection, integrity of information, and availability of resources. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that proposes a robust trustworthiness evaluation of vehicular cloud for security criteria evaluation and selection. This article proposes three-level security features in order to develop effectiveness and trustworthiness in VCs. To assess and evaluate these security features, our evaluation framework consists of three main interconnected components: 1) an aggregation of the security evaluation values of the security criteria for each level; 2) a fuzzy multicriteria decision-making algorithm; and 3) a simple additive weight associated with the importance-performance analysis and performance rate to visualize the framework findings. The evaluation results of the security criteria based on the average performance rate and global weight suggest that data residency, data privacy, and data ownership are the most pressing challenges in assessing data protection in a VC environment. Overall, this article paves the way for a secure VC using an evaluation of effective security features and underscores directions and challenges facing the VC community. This article sheds light on the importance of security by design, emphasizing multiple layers of security when implementing industrial VCsThis work was supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport, Government of Spain under Grant TIN2016-76373-P, in part by the Xunta de Galicia Accreditation 2016–2019 under Grant ED431G/08 and Grant ED431C 2018/2019, and in part by the European Union under the European Regional Development FundS

    A framework for evaluating security, trust, and efficiency of sustainable Cloud Computing for Big Data processing

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    This thesis establishes a framework relying on the security of the BigCloud architecture to improve security issues. Specifically, this thesis research aims to examine the common features and the security challenges of this integration to provide an architecture relying on the security analysis, evaluation theory, and security by design of the cloud deployment architecture to improve the large-scale data processing security issues. Also, it aims at enhancing the cloud-based BD frameworks security in storage, motion, and process. Implementing best guidelines and practices for managing security related to BD operations over cloud computing technology and updating industry security guidelines, frameworks, and standards are of this thesis concerns. Moreover, this thesis introduces an analytical model for data-intensive use case (i.e., Iot-to-cloud data streaming) security measurements, within any cloud-based framework. The thesis aims to fill the existing gap between the statistical representation of quality approaches of software engineering and the analysis of securing BD applications. Also, recommend best practices and measurements when constructing BD systems in both centralized and decentralized clouds. The proposed reference model and framework provides a comprehensive and fundamental basis to optimize the design of BigClouda frameworks regarding security ultimately